
It is very back among other districts of rapti zone in development of transportation. We hear transportation is the milestone of development but Rukumeli residents are deprived by the government. The road transportation is reached early but 2 airport are available in this district, Chaurjahari and Salle. In time of civel war Chaurjahari airport was destroyed by maoist and had closed and now it is on after peace process. Two airport offers facilities bur rarely give the regualar passenger flights from Nepalgunj and Kathamnud only. Chaurjahari airport is near Bheri river. It is located 762m above sea level. It is area is 850m long and 30m wide. It is applicable for the food transport, patient transport etc. in this airport 10 aeroplane can land at once. But Salle airport is small than the chaurjahari airport. It is located near the headquarter Musikot. It is connected with the Rapti highway in Salle. Its area is 650m long but wide is so few but 4 air craft can land at once.
Road transportation connect Musikot to Salyan,Khalanga, Tulasipur and Mahendra highway at Lamahi. Nowdays the development of road tracks are many more they are opening tracks continuously. The Mid-hilly highway is also passed from the Rukum district.